Tag Archives: fitness

Benefits of Leg Day (Why You Should Never Skip It)

Rule one inside the gym, NEVER skip leg day. Why? There are four great answers: first, your overall physique will look better if your legs are proportionate to your entire body. Second, your athletic ability will increase only if you take the time to make your legs stronger and more durable. Remember, athletic activity such as sprinting, jumping, swimming, etc… only increase with the development of your lower body. Third, the hormone response from working legs is unrivaled when compared to other muscle groups in the body. This will only speed up the process of muscle growth throughout the entire body. Last, but most certainly not least, injury prevention and the development of bone density.

Aesthetically, if you do not train legs, your body will look disproportionate. Many like to cover up their mass deficiency, but sooner or later, your lack of size in the lower body will become unveiled. If you are trying to put on mass to look better and have greater confidence in everyday life, I would focus on hypertrophy workouts for the legs. For example, perform sets of 6 to 12. This is the optimal rep range for gaining mass. Anything above 12 reps is going towards muscle endurance training and anything below 6 reps is categorized as strength training. Although, you should have exercises in your program that enhance strength, mass building, and endurance separately, if you want to prioritize mass building, incorporate sets of 6 to 12 reps more than any other rep range.

The hormone response from leg training is important for muscle development as well as building strength. Yes, you receive a hormonal response when you do any type of physical activity, but nothing compared to the amount produced when training your lower half. The legs have a great quantity of muscle mass therefore the levels of testosterone, insulin, human growth hormone, and all others released, are increased since more muscle fibers are being used, and the intensity of an exercise can be increased past what other parts of the body are able to withstand. With this surplus of hormones, comes greater and faster muscle gain.

The lower body plays an intricate role in athletic ability. Humans generate most of their force from the ground up so your leg strength and durability help you succeed in whatever sport you compete. If your main goal is to succeed in the world of sports, training your legs to produce a great amount of force will be one of the best assets an athlete can have therefore strength must be a priority in the gym. Performing lower reps with a higher load will be the greatest way to gain strength. Although with more weight comes more responsibility. DO NOT max out every time you lift because this is not an efficient way to build strength and most likely lead to injury. It is imperative you start with efficient and safe strength programming. If you need further advice about building strength or need a beginners program to start your journey, you can contact the Premier Performance team and talk to me, Coach Gabe, about how you can get closer to your athletic/aesthetic goals.

Last but not least, injury prevention is arguably the greatest outcome of lower body resistance training. By preparing your body for heavy loads and prolonged strenuous activity, you will be more suited for whatever life throws at you. All walks of life, especially athletes, would benefit from knowing their body is safe from injury and hardship. The higher performance demanded upon your body, the greater chance of injury so by breaking down muscle fibers to only build back in greater abundance and increasing bone density will only benefit you in the long run, both of which you can achieve through resistance training.


Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or you need help starting your fitness journey with Premier Performance you can contact me at gabepate1123@gmail.com

Also, check out Premier Performance’s newest line of shirts made only for those who strive to #becomepremier  https://premierperformanceapparel.com/

             Written by: Premier Performance Training Coach Gabe Pate


Follow our Blog https://premierperformancetraining.wordpress.com/

Beginner’s Guide to Weight Training (The Right Way)

Every success story must start with a humble beginning. No matter where you begin your strength and muscle building journey, you can accomplish wonderful things through time and effort. The greatest achievement on your journey to the top is starting. Many wish for a certain outcome, but only few will make it their reality. Typically beginners do not know how or where to start and the process can seem complicated and expensive. This article will help simplify the process of getting started and be free of charge by giving you basic knowledge on how to build muscle and gain strength in an easy to understand format.

First of all, there are three separate categories an exercise can fall under: Push, Pull, and Legs. Each day you workout, you should solely focus on one of the three categories previously listed.

  1. A Push workout recruits the use of your pectorals (chest), deltoids (Shoulders), and triceps (above the elbow).
  2. A Pull workout utilizes your upper and middle trapezius muscles (between and above the shoulder blades), latissimus Dorsi (below the shoulder blades), biceps (No explanation needed), and erector spinae (lower back).
  3. A leg workout is self explanatory on what it works out.

There are rules to structuring what workouts you perform in relation to the rest of your week within the gym.  

  1. Do not perform a workout two or more days in a row. For example, if you do a push workout, you are not able to do the same workout the next day. If you do, you are not allowing your body to recover. Remember, muscle is not built in the weight room, but through rest outside the gym once the work has been put in. Your body is not stupid, so after a hard workout it will build back up in order to be better suited for what it is asked to do.  
  2. Perform a Pull, Push, and Leg workout at least twice every week. This will give your body enough rest to recover, and enable you to work in enough volume to actually fulfill the requirements to make progress.
  3. DO NOT SKIP LEG DAY!!! Yes, leg day, due to its heavy load, can be daunting, but I guarantee once you put in enough work to strengthen your legs, it will become your favorite workout.

There is an important structure you must follow in order to correctly allocate your energy for each workout. To make it as simple as possible, you can split each movement into one of four categories.

  1. Compound Bilateral(CB)– ie: Barbell Bench Press. CB movements require both sides of the body to move the same weight. These movements need the greatest amount of energy because the body can lift the most when both sides of the body are acting on one mass.  
  2. Compound Unilateral(CU)– ie: Dumbbell Bench Press. CU movements are similar to CB movements, but the weight on one side of the body is independent from the weight on the other side. Because each side has its own task, you are not able to move as much weight as you would in a CB movement, but the pay off for these exercises are tremendous. First, you can test if you have any strength imbalances. For example, you are benching 30 pounds in each arm. The right side is pushed up faster than the left. You now know your right is stronger than the left and now this problem can be addressed. Second, if you do have an imbalance, the way to stop that imbalance is by doing more CU movements.  
  3. Isolation Bilateral(IB)– ie: Barbell Bicep Curl. IB movements are closely related to CB movements since both sides of the body are used to move one mass. The biggest difference is instead of incorporating multiple muscles in an exercise, it uses one muscle, sometimes two, to move weight. Because less muscles are recruited to work in an isolation movement compared to a compound movement, the weight moved each rep will be substantially lower. Since there is more responsibility on the one muscle used, it is worked greater than if it were aided in the movement. But DO NOT make the mistake and cut out compound movements from your workout because with heavier loads comes a greater hormone response, therefore increasing the amount of testosterone your body produces. Testosterone is extremely important for muscle growth.    
  4. Isolation Unilateral(IU)– ie: Dumbbell Bicep Curl. These exercises move the least amount of weight, but help break down muscle fibers when they are already fatigued. This is why they should be performed at the end of your workout in order to get the most out of each session.


This is a general lay out of what your week should look like inside the gym

Day 1-push workout

  • Compound Bilateral
    • 1 to 2 movements
    • 5 to 10 sets
    • 1 to 7 reps each set
  • Compound Unilateral
    • 2 to 3 movements
    • 5 to 7 sets
    • 5 to 15 reps each set
  • Isolation Bilateral
    • 3 to 5 movements
    • 3 to 4 sets
    • 10- 20 reps each set
  • Isolation Unilateral
    • 2 to 3 movements
    • 3 to 4 sets
    • 10 to as many reps as possible each set

For ideas of exercises to perform, you can find a great number of them online. Just use what you have learned to distinguish what category they fall into so you can get the most out of your workout! Remember, stay dedicated to your goals and do not stray from your path to greatness. Earn it!  #becomepremier


Written by: Premier Performance Training Coach Gabe Pate

Follow our Blog premierperformancetraining.wordpress.com

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Benefits of the Hook Grip

No matter what type of lift you are performing, how you grip your weight is very important.  Especially when it comes to Olympic lifting, having dominant control over the bar is crucial for success. Due to the nature of Olympic lifting, the bar and its weight must be moved with specific form with speed and precision. Therefore, it is critical that you keep the bar secured firmly in your hands as you perform the different movements. One of the most popular and effective techniques for maintaining solid control of the bar is the Hook Grip.  Whether you performing a back squat or a power clean, the hook grip is a useful method for maintaining control of the bar no matter the lift. The hook grip is where you push the palm of your hand tight against the bar, grab the bar by wrapping your thumb around it, and then grasp your thumb and the bar tightly with your fingers.  Most people can grab the thumb with the first two fingers while their other two fingers directly grab the bar.  This technique really helps you lift more weight off the platform, especially when you accelerate for the second pull.  The hook grip is the best grip you can have without using straps due to its firm hold of the bar. United States Olympic Weightlifting Coach Jim Schmitz says that “It takes about two weeks for one to grow accustomed to and comfortable with the hook grip.  Everyone I teach tells me it feels unnatural and weird and I have to remind them to hook on all lifts—snatch, clean, and pulls”. With practice and commitment, the hook grip can become one of the most useful tools to help with your Olympic lifting.

How to Front Squat

Like the Back Squat, the Front Squat is also one of the best exercises for building powerful leg strength and explosive speed. Because of the different bar placement, front squats and back squats work different different leg muscles. Front Squats focus on the quads and upper back, while Back Squats focus more on the hips, glutes and lower back. Both lifts utilize all the muscles together, but the emphasis shifts from one lift to the other. A video of proper front squat form can be found here. Rather than placing the bar on your back, you place the bar on the top of your chest, right below your neck. The same principles apply as with back squats, but when front squatting take extra care into staying upright and keeping your elbows up for good posture and form. Performing this exercise with proper form will help prevent injury and help you work all the involved muscles efficiently.

How to Squat

The traditional back squat is one of the most popular exercises when it comes to building leg strength, speed, and power. It may seem like a pretty straightforward exercise, but as with every lifting movement, proper form is the key to success. A video tutorial of the proper back squat technique can be found here. When you are squatting, make sure to keep your back straight by maintaining an upward facing posture. When setting up your stance, make sure your feet are about a shoulder’s width apart. While performing the movement, don’t let your knees buckle inward and drive the bar up with your legs, hips, and glutes. If you are handling heavy weight, the use of a lifting belt and knee sleeves will help prevent injury and keep you safe as you increase the weight.

Gym Bag 101

Step 1: Grab a nice and sturdy duffel bag or backpack that can fit all of the following items.

Step 2: A water bottle. Your body will lose a lot of water from sweating so it is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after a workout.

Step 3: Pack a snack. A granola or protein bar will help stave off your hunger before you get your main source of protein.

Step 4: Bring an extra towel to help wipe off sweat or dry after a shower if your gym doesn’t have any.

Step 5: Have a plastic bag to put your sweaty gym clothes in if your are changing after your workout.

Step 6: If you need to go somewhere after the gym, make sure to pack your shower necessities and the clean clothes with the appropriate shoes that you’ll wear after.

Should You Take Supplements?

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of all Americans take one or more dietary supplements daily or on occasion. You can find a variety of different supplements at your local grocery store or pharmacy, and can be bought without a prescription. Many supplements are in the form of a small pill and are used to give the body additional nutrients that it may not have gotten in a normal day of eating. It is important for your body to receive the proper amount of nutrients it needs for good health, but not everyone needs to take supplements. According to Carol Haggans, a registered dietitian and consultant to National Institutes of Health, “It’s possible to get all of the nutrients you need by eating a variety of healthy foods, so you don’t have to take one.  But supplements can be useful for filling in gaps in your diet”. Dietary supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as foods, not as drugs. The label may claim certain health benefits. But unlike medicines, supplements can’t claim to cure, treat or prevent a disease. The answer to the question of should you take supplements is maybe. Whether or not you should take supplements depends on how good your diet is. You can always take supplements if you have doubt about how much nutrients you are consuming in a day, but supplements should not be taken with the expectation that they will cure diseases. If you feel like your diet is lacking a certain vitamin or mineral, or a doctor says that your intake of some nutrients is low, then supplements will help your diet and your overall health.

Be Active Everyday?


The USDA recommends that Adults (18-64 years)  should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity at a moderate level OR 1 hour and 15 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity at a vigorous level. Being active 5 or more hours each week can provide even more health benefits. Spreading aerobic activity out over at least 3 days a week is best. Also, each activity should be done for at least 10 minutes at a time. Adults should also do strengthening activities, like push-ups, sit-ups and lifting weights, at least 2 days a week. This may seem easier said than done. However, here are some tips to help you stay active during your busy work or school week:

  1. Plan your activities ahead of time
  2. Take breaks during your work day
  3. Use a Fitbit or other activity tracker
  4. Have a variety of different activities
  5. Exercise with a partner
  6. Have fun by choosing exercises you enjoy

These six tips will help you reach your exercise goals and help you remain active during the week, and prevent you from falling into a mundane sedentary lifestyle.



Benefits of Knee Sleeves

Knee sleeves are a common accessory to lifters of all disciplines. Not to be confused with knee braces, knee sleeves help provide protection and support for your knees during strenuous activity, such as weightlifting. A good pair of knee sleeves will provide compression, which will help increase the blood flow in the knees which will result in the reduction of swelling and pain. Knee sleeves do not need to be worn for all weightlifting exercises. If the knee is not involved as a primary lifting source, they are not necessary. They do however provide the support necessary for performing squats, the snatch, or the clean and jerk. Any time the knee is left weak or vulnerable, it is at great risk for damage, and usually long-term damage. Wearing knee sleeves during exercises involving the knee, especially during squats and Olympic lifts, will help prevent injury and keep you healthy so that may continue to lift.

Are Lifting Straps Bad?

Lifting straps are one of the many tools used by weightlifters to help them in the gym. Some people in the fitness community see the use of lifting straps as controversial. As with everything, there are pros and cons. Lifting straps help keep the weight firm in your hands, and because the forearm and wrist are relieved, it usually leads to better execution of the exercise. They can be helpful for those looking to target their back muscles, as the relieved pressure on the arms allows you to focus more on the pulling motion. Lifting straps also help prevent the weight from moving around and falling from your hands when you don’t want it to. Even when your hands are sore and the skin is torn up, lifting straps can help you crank out a few extra reps. Some argue that the use of  lifting straps prevents you from improving your grip strength. This is true, so it is important to not use lifting straps for every lift and whenever they are not necessary.